September 2015 – Opening Meeting and Stand Down Event

Join us for an enlightening September meeting BRUNCH focusing on our branch accomplishments, plans and upcoming events for the year. Our Tech Trek girls will share their summer camp experiences. Greet and meet our three Allan Hancock Scholarship recipients. Bring a potential member as our guest and be ready to sign up for any or all of the book groups, Great Decisions groups, wanderers, dine-out group, bridge groups, Drama Exchange group, or participate in the monthly programs.

TIME: 10:30 – 12:30
WHERE: Casa Grande Clubhouse
COST: $5.00
RESERVATIONS please – You may pay at the door.

You will have fun seeing “old” friends again and you will love hearing from our Tech Trekkers tell us about their UCSB summer camp experience.

Veteran’s Stand Down Day at the Santa Maria Fairpark, Sat. September 17, 2015

Veteran's Stand  Down at Fairpark

Martha Hight and Cathy McCue with friends who volunteered to help us represent AAUW for the 3rd year in a row to do alterations and mending at the Veteran’s Stand Down at Fairpark on Saturday the 17th.