Category Archives: Branch Blog

AAUW Santa Maria Branch Blog – March 2018


AAUW Santa Maria Branch Blog – March 2018
Grant Writing Magic!  “Grants: Fund Raising on Steroids”

Over 20 people gathered at Shepard Hall in the Santa Maria Library to hear LeeAnne Del Rio, Ed.D., CTEIG Grant Coordinator, share her secrets of Grant Writing and Proposal Creation.  Ms. Del Rio engaged her audience with her vast knowledge and organized approach to Grant Writing.  She states that there “is lots of money out there, in private groups and organizations, businesses, profit and non-profit corporations, and private donors”, but one must ask for it.  And to be able to ask for it, you must put together a proposal.

Ms. Del Rio has had many years writing grants for schools and other institutions and suggests that you first need to have a purpose for the grant.  She invited the audience to choose a purpose, then went thru the process of what a grant must contain, how to gather the data, suggestions about “telling your story”, incorporating demographics, indicators, targeting your audience (including Government Entities, Private Foundations, Public Foundations, Scholarship programs), how to search for sources, how to find and create a Symbiotic Relationship with your Target Audience, and discussed the parts of a Grant.

Ms. Del Rio emphasized that choosing a purpose, creating a symbiotic relationship, and making it as easy for the Grantor as possible are strong paths for an optimal outcome, often with receipt of funds and support for your project.  It was quite evident why she has been so successful in her work.  An enthusiastic presenter, she shared her topic in such an engaging manner that many spoke with her after the meeting about some ideas for some of their organizations and how they can tap into the monies available for the many people and projects they are involved with inside and outside AAUW.