Giving unrestricted gifts to AAUW Funds is the best way to provide general support to AAUW, our 501(c)(3) organization, where it is most needed for charitable programs. We also make it possible for you to restrict your tax-deductible gifts to specific funds or programs. By giving unrestricted gifts to our Greatest Needs Fund (#9110), you receive the benefit of a tax deduction, and you make it possible to respond to the most urgent needs and greatest opportunities to break through educational and economic barriers — and you make the biggest impact on women and girls who are working for their fair chance.
9110-AAUW Greatest Needs Fund
- This fund allows AAUW to respond rapidly, in our communications and advocacy, to critical issues affecting women as they emerge — whether it’s a new threat to Title IX, an opportunity to partner with employers, or the dawn of a social justice movement like #MeToo. When donations are not restricted to fellowships or specific projects, we have the dollars we need to pivot as the national dialogue shifts — and get our work covered by major media outlets such as the New York Times, CNN, and Fortune. Greatest Needs is also what fuels our groundbreaking research and effective advocacy work to pass fair-pay laws and other key equity legislation.
4450-Education & Training Fund
- Addresses the barriers that prevent women from thriving in school and pursuing the careers of their dreams. That means championing equal access to education and ensuring women can learn in environments free from harassment and discrimination.
4449-Economic Security Fund
- Promotes women’s livelihoods through advocacy for fair-pay, legislation, researching the pay gap, training women to negotiate for the salaries they deserve, and advising employers on fostering fair cultures.
4452-Leadership Fund
- Supports AAUW’s work to bolster the number of women in top roles across all industries by addressing systematic biases and giving women the skills and resources they need to lead.
4451-Governance & Sustainability Fund
- Donating to the Governance and Sustainability Fund enables AAUW to function as effectively and efficiently as possible—following the latest best practices for hiring and governance and incorporating state-of-the-art technology into our member database and other systems.
2504-National Conference for College Women Student Leaders Scholarships
- The National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) Scholarship Fund provides access for a broader and more diverse audience to be a part of the leadership training, inspiration and networking opportunities provided during this event. For 2022 scholarships are $195 per attendee so every contribution can make a difference and the more donations received, the more students are able to attend the conference.
Gifts to all of these funds are tax deductible.
Please make all checks payable to AAUW Funds. If you prefer to restrict your gift to a specific fund, please indicate the name or number of the fund in the memo section of your check or any accompanying document and mail to 1310 L St. NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005. Or you can contribute online using our secure website. (You will need to create an account if you do not have one already, whether you are a member or not.)