June 2013 – Wanderers Go to Steinbeck

Tho our Branch is “dark” in the summer months, we continue to have social events and gatherings for our members.  In June, the Wanderers ventured up to Salinas to enjoy a fine lunch and self-tour at the Steinbeck House, followed by a tour thru the Steinbeck Museum.  Book groups are very important to most AAUW Branches, and Steinbeck is a well-respected author of many books enjoyed by our members.  To see where he grew up, to hear the stories of his childhood, young adulthood, his family, and to see the lovely home he grew up in was was not only informative, but also enlightening, considering that he wrote so knowingly about the struggles of men and families during trying times.  The weather afforded us all a nice walk from the Steinbeck House to the Steinbeck Museum.  These trips are certainly fun for all!

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