- AAUW-SM members enjoying Gen Helms event 2-2012
- AAUW CA President w/guests Feb. 2012
- Gen Helms audience
- Gen Helms talking with students
When: Saturday, Feb 18, 2012 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Where: Sycamore Room at Alisal Ranch 1054 Alisal Road, Solvang, CA 93463
Featured Guest Speaker:
USAF Lt. General Susan J. Helms
Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space at Vandenberg AFB
A former NASA astronaut, Helms was a crew member on five space shuttle missions and was a resident of the International Space Station (ISS) for over five months in 2001. While participating in ISS Expediiton #2, she and Jim Voss conducted an 8 hour, 55 minute spacewalk, the longest to date.
Over 100 people gathered for lunch and an exciting presentation by Gen. Helms. Her presentation included stories of her own childhood, dreams, education, and family life and how it shaped her for the career path she has experienced. Her comments often brought smiles, nods of heads, and laughter as people in the audience related to and remembered stories of some of the influential and memorable moments of her life.
Many members were also pleased to hear her emphasize “learn what you like to do, become very competent in your choice, and then do it to the best of your ability” as the life plan for success, rather than “pursue your dreams or passion”, for, as she pointed out, “that path may not always take you where you think you want to go!” (Paraphrasing her comments mixed with the members …)
General Helms was generous enough to speak with several young ladies from San Luis Obispo who are studying Robotics. The interest and information shared between them will help these young ladies as they plan their career courses in their lives.
We are so grateful to have Lt. Gen. Susan Helms leading the way for women, young and mature, as they take their place in the workforce and in society. And we thank her for sharing her day with us.